Assignment #1

Wandering through the internet

I find it interesting how there is such a wide variety of textures that can be found in certain species of animals. Some may be soft or coarse, while others may be rough, bumpy, or even slimy. Some animals may even have a combination of two different types of fur textures.
For example, the texture of a porcupine is long and spikey compared to the texture of a frog which can be bumpy and slimy
Or the light delicate feathers of a bird compared to the soft velvety texture of a lions mane.

The phenomenon of certain species dying in large numbers due to rising temperatures caused by climate change.

For example, millions of starfish were killed off the west coast of America due to parvoviruses.
Or the thousands of bat species known as the "flying fox" which were found dead because of the increase in temperatures in Australia.
Some species rely on others in order to survive, these are called symbiotic relationships.

There are three different types of symbiotic relationships.

1. Mutualism: When both animals benefit from each other.

2. Commensalism: When one animal benefits from the other, the other receives nothing.

3. Parasitism: When one species benefits from the other while harming them.

I chose this quote by Bryant McGill because I like how he makes a point that we all rely on each other no matter how big or small we are. We rely on the animals and ecosystems just as much as they rely on us.
There are three different types of symbiotic relationships.

I find the variation of colors found in animals very interesting. Some may be bright and vibrant while others are more neutral.

Some animals who are bright and colorful may use this as a defense mechanism to protect themselves from predators.

For example, the granular poison frog is a vibrant red to warn its predators that it is poisonous.
Other animals may be the color they are in order to camouflage and blend into their surrounding, for example, an artic fox or leaf bug.

Some may even have the ability to change their color based on their surroundings in order to camouflage themselves against predators, like an octopus or chameleon.
Dear class,

For my assignment, I decided to focus on animals for my research. I have always had a love for animals and enjoy being able to include them in my artwork. More recently I have been looking into endangered animals and what causes them to become endangered as well as the different ways we can help these vulnerable animals. I find the different colors and textures of certain species to be very fascinating and enjoyed being able to do more research as to why some look the way they do. I also enjoyed being able to look into how some animals rely on each other in order to survive, and how overall we as humans also rely on these animals just as much as they rely on us.


Because of rising temperatures in certain locations it has lead to the result of large numbers of species dying and mass mortality events (MME).